Standard: ELA6W1 Writing ("How to")
Warm-up: Log in to my.hrw.com
Use the username/password I gave you
Click NEXT and choose your class.
Go to "How to" on the essay topic list.
Choose one of the two choices, then, minimize the screen and type your essay in WORD. (Don't forget to use your transition words! You should write at least 2-3 paragraphs)
SAVE your document under your login name- Label it HOW TO writing
PRINT your writing.
THEN, COPY/PASTE your writing into the my.hrw.com essay box (raise your hand when you get to that point and I will help you)
CLICK "GET YOUR SCORE"- you will need to make sure the pop-up blocker is disabled first. Your essay is scored on a 1-4 point scale. Read the suggestions and feedback from the score. You may go back and edit using that feedback. (1= 65, 2= 75, 3=85, 4=100)
-Ms. M.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
6th grade: "The Tell-Tale Heart"
EQ: What is the difference between tone and mood?
Warm up: Read the intro paragraph in the following link: http://poestories.com/read/telltaleheart
Journal- After reading the opening of this story I think that I will/will not like it because...
1. Finish typing your expository essays, save, print, and submit online
2. Finish reading "The Tell-Tale Heart" (link above)
3. Watch short video over the story
4. Watch brief bio. on Edgar Allan Poe
5. Time allowing: 3rd/5th- Presentations; 1st/2nd- Odyssey sentence folder
Homework: None- but see post below for Wed. night homework
Warm up: Read the intro paragraph in the following link: http://poestories.com/read/telltaleheart
Journal- After reading the opening of this story I think that I will/will not like it because...
1. Finish typing your expository essays, save, print, and submit online
2. Finish reading "The Tell-Tale Heart" (link above)
3. Watch short video over the story
4. Watch brief bio. on Edgar Allan Poe
5. Time allowing: 3rd/5th- Presentations; 1st/2nd- Odyssey sentence folder
Homework: None- but see post below for Wed. night homework
Friday, October 28, 2011
6th grade only!
Wednesday night homework: 11/2/11
Read a sample essay from the following link and then answer the questions that follow:
Questions: (Answer on your paper)
1. What is the author's main idea? (THESIS STATEMENT)
2. Did you read the process paper, compare contrast, explaining with examples, or cause/effect?
3. What types of transitions do you notice in the paper?
4. Do you think the author stayed on topic and had supporting details? Why/Why not?
5. Did reading this sample help you understand the expository essay?
6. What is the purpose of expository writing?
Read a sample essay from the following link and then answer the questions that follow:
Questions: (Answer on your paper)
1. What is the author's main idea? (THESIS STATEMENT)
2. Did you read the process paper, compare contrast, explaining with examples, or cause/effect?
3. What types of transitions do you notice in the paper?
4. Do you think the author stayed on topic and had supporting details? Why/Why not?
5. Did reading this sample help you understand the expository essay?
6. What is the purpose of expository writing?
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Important message: CDA will be Thursday
6th grade: We have covered all the material on your CDA. What do you study? You can study organizational structures, extraneous details, and practice your comprehension skills. Your test is only 10 questions and I think you will do great. Just remember to read each question carefully before answering.
6th grade: 3rd/5th periods only: You will only take the multiple choice test this week- Thursday 10/20/11. The other performance task will be at a later date. As far as your 9 week project- just hang tight. With our testing and library days I am waiting until the following week to introduce it- it will be a short poetry project using Voicethread.com- if you want to get a "head start" on this project, ask your parents to help you set up an account- it's free and only requires an email address to set it up.
4th period: Your CDA will also be on Thursday this week: 10/20/11. You need to pay close attention to types of sentence structures- notes and review will be given on Monday and Tuesday. This may mean postponing your presentations- they are still due, but may be presented next week. We will lose 2 days of instruction due to testing and our library day on Thursday (research with Mrs. Bowlick's center activities). If we need to extend the digital storytelling project we can discuss it Monday. Our next unit will be Persuasive writing- so much fun!
6th grade: 3rd/5th periods only: You will only take the multiple choice test this week- Thursday 10/20/11. The other performance task will be at a later date. As far as your 9 week project- just hang tight. With our testing and library days I am waiting until the following week to introduce it- it will be a short poetry project using Voicethread.com- if you want to get a "head start" on this project, ask your parents to help you set up an account- it's free and only requires an email address to set it up.
4th period: Your CDA will also be on Thursday this week: 10/20/11. You need to pay close attention to types of sentence structures- notes and review will be given on Monday and Tuesday. This may mean postponing your presentations- they are still due, but may be presented next week. We will lose 2 days of instruction due to testing and our library day on Thursday (research with Mrs. Bowlick's center activities). If we need to extend the digital storytelling project we can discuss it Monday. Our next unit will be Persuasive writing- so much fun!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
CDAs (Common District Assessments)
Are you studying for the CDA? Did you take your journal home to look at definitions and examples? The 3 most important things you could study before Thursday are:
*prepositions/prepositional phrases
*subject/predicate- simple subject/simple predicate (verb)
complete subject/complete predicate
compound subjects/compound verbs
*subject/verb agreement
Get ready! Know your organizational structures...what is an extraneous detail?
-Ms. M.
*prepositions/prepositional phrases
*subject/predicate- simple subject/simple predicate (verb)
complete subject/complete predicate
compound subjects/compound verbs
*subject/verb agreement
Get ready! Know your organizational structures...what is an extraneous detail?
-Ms. M.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
6th grade...READ THIS FIRST 9-15-11
Follow these directions for the lab assignment:
1. Read the bio. on Gary Soto: http://eolit.hrw.com/hlla/authorbios/index2.jsp?author=7garysoto&WebLogicSession=Tm8ksKx1ZSYM5TQ1M6Y2B2B8xcJs7XLUV23roa1t1rfKaDtv7GUi|8121286389490268350/-1062731312/6/6001/6001/7002/7002/6001/-1
2. Go to "Cheetah Chat"...the Cheetah link on the left...and take the poll at the top...ethnicity...click your race.
3. Go to Moodle and then REFLECTION 1. Answer the journal questions online in the threaded discussion: 1. Hispanic Heritage 2. Sharing Our Stories
*3rd/5th...also answer the EXTENSION activity about how Gary Soto/Ritchie Valens contributed to Hispanic literature*
4. Answer one of the following journal topics related to your in class reading. You may do this in Word in the lab if you wish:
Writing tie-in- Journal topics- choose ONE of the following and write a one page response in your composition book: (assignment is due during class next Thursday 9/30/10)
1. This selection references vinyl records. Research types of recording devices and compare vinyl records, cassettes, CDs, and current MP3s. How has music recording changed over the years?
2. In the story Manuel has to perform publicly in front of his school. Have you ever had to perform in front of an audience? If so, when. Describe the feeling of performing and compare/contrast with Manuel's feelings while performing.
3. Many actors/actresses have to deal with stage fright or may have "butterflies" about performing. Find an article or a book about public speaking. How might you deal with anxious feelings?
4. Read a short biography about Ritchie Valens. Write a one page summary of his life as a performer. You may include details such as the movie that chronicled his life.
http://www.ritchievalens.com/ (Ritchie Valens- OfficialWebsite )
All classes: Make sure you have turned in the narrative topic 1 from last lab day and your "I AM" poem. Also, I am missing several grammar assignments. You have had worksheets on VERBS, PRONOUNS, and "La Bamba" verb tense WS. If you have been absent you are responsible for making this up.
Finished with all that? You may begin working on topic 2 and 3 (your choices) from your Narrative sheet: Autobiographical incident. You will choose one of these to extend into an essay. Study for your CDA next Thursday- all grammar.
Enjoy your 1/2 day... ;)
Ms. M.
1. Read the bio. on Gary Soto: http://eolit.hrw.com/hlla/authorbios/index2.jsp?author=7garysoto&WebLogicSession=Tm8ksKx1ZSYM5TQ1M6Y2B2B8xcJs7XLUV23roa1t1rfKaDtv7GUi|8121286389490268350/-1062731312/6/6001/6001/7002/7002/6001/-1
2. Go to "Cheetah Chat"...the Cheetah link on the left...and take the poll at the top...ethnicity...click your race.
3. Go to Moodle and then REFLECTION 1. Answer the journal questions online in the threaded discussion: 1. Hispanic Heritage 2. Sharing Our Stories
*3rd/5th...also answer the EXTENSION activity about how Gary Soto/Ritchie Valens contributed to Hispanic literature*
4. Answer one of the following journal topics related to your in class reading. You may do this in Word in the lab if you wish:
Writing tie-in- Journal topics- choose ONE of the following and write a one page response in your composition book: (assignment is due during class next Thursday 9/30/10)
1. This selection references vinyl records. Research types of recording devices and compare vinyl records, cassettes, CDs, and current MP3s. How has music recording changed over the years?
2. In the story Manuel has to perform publicly in front of his school. Have you ever had to perform in front of an audience? If so, when. Describe the feeling of performing and compare/contrast with Manuel's feelings while performing.
3. Many actors/actresses have to deal with stage fright or may have "butterflies" about performing. Find an article or a book about public speaking. How might you deal with anxious feelings?
4. Read a short biography about Ritchie Valens. Write a one page summary of his life as a performer. You may include details such as the movie that chronicled his life.
http://www.ritchievalens.com/ (Ritchie Valens- Official
All classes: Make sure you have turned in the narrative topic 1 from last lab day and your "I AM" poem. Also, I am missing several grammar assignments. You have had worksheets on VERBS, PRONOUNS, and "La Bamba" verb tense WS. If you have been absent you are responsible for making this up.
Finished with all that? You may begin working on topic 2 and 3 (your choices) from your Narrative sheet: Autobiographical incident. You will choose one of these to extend into an essay. Study for your CDA next Thursday- all grammar.
Enjoy your 1/2 day... ;)
Ms. M.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
"La Bamba"- all 6th graders
"La Bamba"You will read this short narrative story about Manuel. It is written in 3rd person narration with lots of figurative language. For example, you will be asked to find similes with a partner after finishing the selection.
Notes: simile- a comparison between two unlike things using the word like or as or resembles. See also class reference book: Handbook of Literary terms (brown book on bookshelf).
References to help you understand the selection: Ritchie Valens- singer; Gary Soto- author
Writing tie-in- Journal topics- choose one of the following and write a one page response in your composition book: (assignment is due during class next Thursday 9/30/10)
1. This selection references vinyl records. Research types of recording devices and compare vinyl records, cassettes, CDs, and current MP3s. How has music recording changed over the years?
2. In the story Manuel has to perform publicly in front of his school. Have you ever had to perform in front of an audience? If so, when. Describe the feeling of performing and compare/contrast with Manuel's feelings while performing.
3. Many actors/actresses have to deal with stage fright or may have "butterflies" about performing. Find an article or a book about public speaking. How might you deal with anxious feelings?
4. Read a short biography about Ritchie Valens. Write a one page summary of his life as a performer. You may include details such as the movie that chronicled his life.
http://www.ritchievalens.com/ (Ritchie Valens- Official Website)
Hear the jukebox! http://www.ritchievalens.com/jukebox.html
Extension assignment: 3rd/5th: Read a brief bio. on Gary Soto, author of "La Bamba."
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Narrative Topics and more reminders...
Reminders: 3rd, 4th, 5th: see cheetah link (below/left)
All 6th grade classes...have you:
1. Completed your "I am" poem, typed it, and put it in your folder?
2. Typed your first journal (see topics below), printed it, and put it in your folder?
3. Turned in your New Mall Questionaire? (last week's homework)
4. (3rd/5th periods): completed "Mother to Son" and "It's Your Turn!" poem?
5. Completed the verb homework- due Thursday; Having trouble? See the links/videos posted
Middle School NarrativePrompts
Directions: We all have different experiences that help shape our stories, our voices, and our points of view. The following list of topics is a guide to help you during your journal writing for our narrative unit. Put a “1” by your first choice, a “2” by your second choice, and a “3” by your third choice. Please keep this sheet in your binder to refer back to.
Think about a time when something unexpected happened. Write a narrative in which you tell about an unexpected event that happened to you or someone you know. Be sure to include specific details so that a reader can follow your story.
Think of your best day in school. What happened that makes this day stand out in your memory? Write a story for a friend that tells about what happened on this day.
Feelings: Emotions often leave a strong impact upon our stories. Think of a feeling you’ve had in the past (sadness, joy, anger, fear) and share that experience with the reader. Remember to set the scene surrounding this emotion. What were you feeling? Who was there? Include specific details that “show” not “tell” the reader about your experience.
“Happy Birthday to you…” Think of the most memorable birthday you can remember. How old were you? What makes this birthday memorable? Did you receive a special gift or was it memorable for some other reason? Use your voice and style to show us your unique point of view of that day.
Hobbies: We all have different things we enjoy. Describe to the reader your favorite hobby. Do you play sports? Have an unusual collection? Love to read or write? Can you simply not live without games, tv, or your iPod? In a narrative writing explain why this particular hobby is most important to you. Don’t forget to explain details to the reader.
Awards: Have you ever received an award (certificate, medal, trophy) that gave you a sense of pride? Set the stage for your story by sharing the details of that day with the reader. Be sure and describe the setting, your feelings, and why this award was significant to you.
Analogies: What animal best describes you? Think of specific characteristics and attributes of this animal and what you have in common. In a narrative writing explain this comparison to the reader citing examples of how you are similar to this animal. Other options…compare yourself to a car, your favorite singer or actor, a tree, insect, or other object: I am like _____________________ because ______________________.
Time Capsule: Write a letter to be included in a time capsule describing yourself and your generation. Try to include specific events that were significant in your life.
Attributes: What do you most like about yourself? You may use physical features, but also explain some of your internal attributes (caring, friendly, brave, strong, courageous). Share an example of when you have exhibited this part of your character.
Friday, September 2, 2011
New message for 3rd, 4th, and 5th periods!
Your site has now moved to: masoncreekpc.blogspot.com
You are welcome to still use all the resources on mcneillmasterminds, but information specifically for you and your projects will be posted there in conjunction with our Moodle work.
One more thing- we need to talk about some of your comments in "The Vent" and discussion threads in the lab. If you wouldn't say it in class, please don't say it online. It is against school policy, your internet protocol, and my classroom expectations. I see all your print. DO NOT "chat" in "The Vent" unless I am there to moderate.
Thanks for your cooperation ;) There are still some messages for you below. Try your online textbook login over the weekend. Also, I responded to most of you on your reflections.
-Ms. M.
You are welcome to still use all the resources on mcneillmasterminds, but information specifically for you and your projects will be posted there in conjunction with our Moodle work.
One more thing- we need to talk about some of your comments in "The Vent" and discussion threads in the lab. If you wouldn't say it in class, please don't say it online. It is against school policy, your internet protocol, and my classroom expectations. I see all your print. DO NOT "chat" in "The Vent" unless I am there to moderate.
Thanks for your cooperation ;) There are still some messages for you below. Try your online textbook login over the weekend. Also, I responded to most of you on your reflections.
-Ms. M.
Moodle...say what?
All classes...please log in to Moodle and enroll. Directions: click Moodle on this web page (middle/right side). Username- your firstlast name with no spaces. Password: mcneill. If you have trouble please see me and sign a list so I can work on it for you.
What is Moodle? Moodle is a way I can help you in class by posting important information, documents, forms, resources, links....and more. There are also some specific ways we will use the discussion threads and "chat." There are appropriate ways to use this interface- so- do not enter a chat or discussion until I have directed you to do so. The discussion topics are not to say "Hey...wassup!" to your friends. It is a way for me to give you a discussion question or topic to discuss with our class...we will just be responding online instead of in a journal or the classroom. Sometimes we will use this in class (if we have a lab day or the mini computers). Other days I may ask you to do an online assignment. If you do not have a computer/internet we will work out another way for you to participate. I suggest you buddy up with someone, get a public library card (Pines card), or see one of your teachers when you finish work early and ask about using our class mini computer.
Also, you will be getting your online password soon for our online Holt grammar book.
(3rd, 4th, and 5th periods): Important message- We will begin your semester project soon (Digital Storytelling project). It is helpful if you have a digital camera, internet access, and either Powerpoint, MediaPlayer, or access to the site I hope we can figure out how to use (because it's awesome)- Voicethread.com. There is a link to Voicethread on Moodle as well. We begin your narrative with the journal prompts you picked yesterday. You will journal on all three topics of your choice (you did one yesterday), and then develop one of those ideas into an "autobiographical incident." The extension/culmination of this activity is the digital storytelling project- details and rubric to come. You may want to bring a two pocket folder with clips next week to start assembling your project packet.
It's going to be a great year...can't wait to see what my "cheetahs" can do with "room to run." Can you reach 70 mph? (reference to our in class reading/analogy)
-Happy Writing!
-Ms. M.
What is Moodle? Moodle is a way I can help you in class by posting important information, documents, forms, resources, links....and more. There are also some specific ways we will use the discussion threads and "chat." There are appropriate ways to use this interface- so- do not enter a chat or discussion until I have directed you to do so. The discussion topics are not to say "Hey...wassup!" to your friends. It is a way for me to give you a discussion question or topic to discuss with our class...we will just be responding online instead of in a journal or the classroom. Sometimes we will use this in class (if we have a lab day or the mini computers). Other days I may ask you to do an online assignment. If you do not have a computer/internet we will work out another way for you to participate. I suggest you buddy up with someone, get a public library card (Pines card), or see one of your teachers when you finish work early and ask about using our class mini computer.
Also, you will be getting your online password soon for our online Holt grammar book.
(3rd, 4th, and 5th periods): Important message- We will begin your semester project soon (Digital Storytelling project). It is helpful if you have a digital camera, internet access, and either Powerpoint, MediaPlayer, or access to the site I hope we can figure out how to use (because it's awesome)- Voicethread.com. There is a link to Voicethread on Moodle as well. We begin your narrative with the journal prompts you picked yesterday. You will journal on all three topics of your choice (you did one yesterday), and then develop one of those ideas into an "autobiographical incident." The extension/culmination of this activity is the digital storytelling project- details and rubric to come. You may want to bring a two pocket folder with clips next week to start assembling your project packet.
It's going to be a great year...can't wait to see what my "cheetahs" can do with "room to run." Can you reach 70 mph? (reference to our in class reading/analogy)
-Happy Writing!
-Ms. M.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Reminders- this week...
Don't forget your test tomorrow...fragments, subjects/predicates, types of sentences, and words from "All American Slurp." Also, when I say conventions...you think....________________. Know it tomorrow!
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th periods...bring your "I Am" poems to class if you have not yet turned them in. We will be typing them in the computer lab on Thursday and beginning your next narrative writing assignment. You will also be receiving your own log in number for your online Holt textbook.
Wednesday night homework: New Mall Questionairre- Ask a family member (or friend if that is not possible) the "New Mall Questionaire" questions. Write their responses in complete sentences and turn in on Thursday. Here are the questions:
New mall questionaire: Name: ________________________________
Class: ______ Person I interviewed: _____________________________
1. What stores would you most likely see at the mall?
2. What would you be most likely to buy at the mall?
3. What types of movies would you prefer to see at the mall theater?
4. What restaurants would you like to have in the mall's food court?
5. Would you go to the mall arcade? If so, what games would you play?
6. What brands of clothes do you prefer?
7. Would you purchase books or magazines at the mall? If so, what books or magazines interest you?
8. To what clubs organizations, or associations do you belong?
9. What special or seasonal events would attract you to the mall?
10. At what nearby malls do you sometimes shop?
4th period ONLY...Be ready to discuss your analogies and your "cheetah" comparisons for our in-class discussion. You will turn in your analogies as well as the pre-test we took yesterday. Also...
be sure to bring your narrative essay (the Eleanor Roosevelt prompt) tomorrow. I will give you some pointers and suggestions for revision process. These will be typed in the lab, but you may want to bring a jump drive and you are welcome to bring your own earbuds. Click the link below to look at a model essay. You will be submitting your final drafts to Holt Online Scoring on Friday.
Happy Writing!
- Ms. M.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th periods...bring your "I Am" poems to class if you have not yet turned them in. We will be typing them in the computer lab on Thursday and beginning your next narrative writing assignment. You will also be receiving your own log in number for your online Holt textbook.
Wednesday night homework: New Mall Questionairre- Ask a family member (or friend if that is not possible) the "New Mall Questionaire" questions. Write their responses in complete sentences and turn in on Thursday. Here are the questions:
New mall questionaire: Name: ________________________________
Class: ______ Person I interviewed: _____________________________
1. What stores would you most likely see at the mall?
2. What would you be most likely to buy at the mall?
3. What types of movies would you prefer to see at the mall theater?
4. What restaurants would you like to have in the mall's food court?
5. Would you go to the mall arcade? If so, what games would you play?
6. What brands of clothes do you prefer?
7. Would you purchase books or magazines at the mall? If so, what books or magazines interest you?
8. To what clubs organizations, or associations do you belong?
9. What special or seasonal events would attract you to the mall?
10. At what nearby malls do you sometimes shop?
4th period ONLY...Be ready to discuss your analogies and your "cheetah" comparisons for our in-class discussion. You will turn in your analogies as well as the pre-test we took yesterday. Also...
be sure to bring your narrative essay (the Eleanor Roosevelt prompt) tomorrow. I will give you some pointers and suggestions for revision process. These will be typed in the lab, but you may want to bring a jump drive and you are welcome to bring your own earbuds. Click the link below to look at a model essay. You will be submitting your final drafts to Holt Online Scoring on Friday.
Happy Writing!
- Ms. M.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
I AM poetry
Soon you will begin working on our next narrative assignment- an "I Am" narrative poem. Some of you picked this up on Friday, but if you did not you will see it this week. If you want a "sneak peak" this weekend you might want to try this website:
To make a word cloud like my example above, go to WORDLE. net. Have fun!!! We begin parts of speech review next week, compound subjects and verbs, and will continue with sentence types. Our narrative unit and vocabulary will really take off this week. Make sure you have ALL supplies- especially journals everyday. Bring your AR book daily too! You never know when we might use them (hint, hint).
To make a word cloud like my example above, go to WORDLE. net. Have fun!!! We begin parts of speech review next week, compound subjects and verbs, and will continue with sentence types. Our narrative unit and vocabulary will really take off this week. Make sure you have ALL supplies- especially journals everyday. Bring your AR book daily too! You never know when we might use them (hint, hint).
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Want to review your pre-test?
Click the link below to view the pre-test. If you can answer all 10 with no trouble and you know your words to own from "All American Slurp"...you should do fine on the test tomorrow.
Oh yes...it's time. Your quiz Friday will cover:
(This was classwork Tuesday 8-17-11)
Also, your "All American Slurp" MENU is due completed by Friday. You will only have today in class to work on it so don't wait until the last minute.
Good luck!
- Parts of a sentence: simple subject/simple predicate; complete subject/complete predicate
- Types of sentences: declarative, imperative, interrogative, exclamatory
- sentences vs. fragments
- words to own from "All American Slurp"
- comprehension questions for "All American Slurp"
- 6+1 writing traits
(This was classwork Tuesday 8-17-11)
Also, your "All American Slurp" MENU is due completed by Friday. You will only have today in class to work on it so don't wait until the last minute.
Good luck!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Writing Assessment 8-10-11
Good luck on the writing assessment tomorrow! Just remember to relax, take a deep breath, read your prompt and directions carefully, and do you best. Don't forget to bring plenty of paper and your blue or black ink pen for you final copy. Review the 6+1 traits of writing to help understand how your papers are scored. Also, if you haven't returned the papers signed to homeroom- do so. Pick up any missing supplies and be on the lookout for our class syllabus- sign and return please. Your child will keep it in their binder. Any questions? Please don't hesitate to email me through the school website.
Ms. M.
Ms. M.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Please have the following supplies by Monday 8/8/11. If you need a few extra days at least have pens, 2 pocket folders, paper, and composition book. DON'T forget to get your AGENDA signed daily. We don't send "Pack Facts" like elementary so it is essential that you read all notes and attachments daily.
Supply List
Supply List: (All classes)- (Dollar Store carries most of these items ;)
1 2-3" binder for all subjects (Math requires a separate binder that they sell with all supplies)
We will prepare for the writing assessment next Wednesday (8/10/11) beginning on Monday. Thanks for your patience as we update our class syllabus- our grading percentages are changing slightly so look for those early next week. For now you may find class information on the school website go to Staff, McNeill, and Links to see some of our other resources. Under Powerpoints you can view 1st day procedures and the CALENDAR will help you keep up with due dates. PORTAL Parent access will not be available for a few weeks since it is a new system (we can't even get in right now).
Remember to return all of the paperwork from your manila folders (given out on THURSDAY). If you did not receive this please see your homeroom teacher ASAP. Also, don't forget to have your parents sign the computer and photo forms in the front of your agenda. DO NOT tear them out- they need to stay there so your teachers can check your internet permission.
Any questions please don't hesitate to email me: tracy.mcneill@douglas.k12.ga.us. I can get back to you this way quicker than a phone call.
I look forward to working with you all to make your 6th grade your one of your best. Show us your best self, best behavior, and "can do" attitude and I'm sure we'll go far this year.
*If you do not have internet access at home or use of a printer for final copies please let me know so we can make arrangements for you. Also, get a jump drive to back up/save your work in the computer labs and you may bring your own ear buds (not mp3s or ipods- just the headphones) for our lab use of Odyssey**
Supply List
Supply List: (All classes)- (Dollar Store carries most of these items ;)
1 2-3" binder for all subjects (Math requires a separate binder that they sell with all supplies)
- Dry erase markers (small)
- card stock paper/sheet protectors (for dry erase board)
- crayons/colored pencils/markers
- manila folders with pockets (for our student learning maps)
- blue/black ink pens (MUST HAVE) Pencils only for rough drafts.
- #2 pencils and college ruled paper
- 2 1 subject notebooks (Kroger has them for .15- Walmart will price match!)
- 2 composition books- one for each semester
- 5 dividers
- colored computer paper
- computer access (if you do not have a computer at home you will need to get a PINES card at the local library or buddy up with a friend to type the final copies of our writing assignments. If no other arrangements can be made you may arrange a time before or after school to work on the school mini computers.
We will prepare for the writing assessment next Wednesday (8/10/11) beginning on Monday. Thanks for your patience as we update our class syllabus- our grading percentages are changing slightly so look for those early next week. For now you may find class information on the school website go to Staff, McNeill, and Links to see some of our other resources. Under Powerpoints you can view 1st day procedures and the CALENDAR will help you keep up with due dates. PORTAL Parent access will not be available for a few weeks since it is a new system (we can't even get in right now).
Remember to return all of the paperwork from your manila folders (given out on THURSDAY). If you did not receive this please see your homeroom teacher ASAP. Also, don't forget to have your parents sign the computer and photo forms in the front of your agenda. DO NOT tear them out- they need to stay there so your teachers can check your internet permission.
Any questions please don't hesitate to email me: tracy.mcneill@douglas.k12.ga.us. I can get back to you this way quicker than a phone call.
I look forward to working with you all to make your 6th grade your one of your best. Show us your best self, best behavior, and "can do" attitude and I'm sure we'll go far this year.
*If you do not have internet access at home or use of a printer for final copies please let me know so we can make arrangements for you. Also, get a jump drive to back up/save your work in the computer labs and you may bring your own ear buds (not mp3s or ipods- just the headphones) for our lab use of Odyssey**
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Summer Boredom?
I heard through the grapevine that some of you are already getting bored with all that time on your hands. So...if you are truly out of things to do...why not work on some writing strategies? I'm sorry...did I put you to sleep? C'mon...give it a try!
- Ms. M.
- Ms. M.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Camp Excel
Thank you Camp Excel campers! It was a pleasure to be your teacher. Don't forget to read some great books over the summer. Free admission to the Carlos Museum if you record the books you read on their website form. Have a wonderful summer!
- Ms. M.
- Ms. M.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Star Myths and other links for Greek Mythology
Greek myths:
See these links for constellation/star myths:
Art from Ancient Greece:
Odysseus journey map:
What Greek god/goddess are you? What occupation would you have in Ancient Greece?
Greek myths:
See these links for constellation/star myths:
Art from Ancient Greece:
Odysseus journey map:
What Greek god/goddess are you? What occupation would you have in Ancient Greece?
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Holy Moly! Extra-Extra...Read all about it- MYTHOLOGY
I feel like I've discovered gold. This is the best collection of materials for your mythology unit I've ever seen. Check it out!
Interactive mythology:
Greek Mythology
Oh yes...it's that time ladies and gentleman. End of the year? Yes. Time to party? Not quite. As Dorothy once said: "We're not in Kansas anymore," I'm reminded of your comments after CRCT testing- aren't we finished already? We took the test! Well, sorry to break the news to you 6th graders, but you "aren't in elementary school anymore." Your mythology project is an IN CLASS project this week and all of next week. If you use your class time wisely there is no reason for you to have to work on this at home. You will need to use your computer time wisely because we only have a few set computer days. Suggestion- if you need to research and/or type bring a flash drive to school so you can save and finish at home. Your DEADLINE for all parts of your project- NEXT FRIDAY- 5/20- no exceptions. You were given your "Think tac toe" boards, a direction sheet with a rubric, and materials yesterday in the computer lab. PLEASE KEEP UP WITH YOUR STUFF!!! Put your name on everything and do not leave them behind. We cannot keep running of second (and sometimes third!) copies of your materials.
Show me your best work, have fun, and "knock my socks off." This should be the best work you've done all year- no slacking allowed.
Show me your best work, have fun, and "knock my socks off." This should be the best work you've done all year- no slacking allowed.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Projects- Please Read
Projects (ABC books) are officially late. They were due last Friday. The extension gave you until today. 10 points off each day they are late. Projects WILL NOT be accepted after Friday. Period.
We are beginning our unit on mythology...and yes, this is another project grade. However, you will have class time to complete the assignments if you use your time wisely. The goal? Finish this unit by Friday 13th. By the way- your final for my class is the last day of school. I will post the schedule for each final (last three days). If you know you will be leaving for break and will not be at school you MUST make arrangements to take the final early- it is your last grade and it counts.
Extra credit? If you have completed ALL OTHER WORK with nothing missing I am considering an extra credit assignment for you. Stay tuned...
Lots of important days to remember coming up. See your homeroom for details on: talent show (tomorrow night) field day, honors night, yearbook signing and much, much more. Don't forget to pay your cafeteria and library fines.
-Ms. M.
We are beginning our unit on mythology...and yes, this is another project grade. However, you will have class time to complete the assignments if you use your time wisely. The goal? Finish this unit by Friday 13th. By the way- your final for my class is the last day of school. I will post the schedule for each final (last three days). If you know you will be leaving for break and will not be at school you MUST make arrangements to take the final early- it is your last grade and it counts.
Extra credit? If you have completed ALL OTHER WORK with nothing missing I am considering an extra credit assignment for you. Stay tuned...
Lots of important days to remember coming up. See your homeroom for details on: talent show (tomorrow night) field day, honors night, yearbook signing and much, much more. Don't forget to pay your cafeteria and library fines.
-Ms. M.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Project- extension
You asked for it...and most of you used your time wisely...so...your extended deadline is next Wednesday for your ABC books. I will give you Monday in class and the rest is up to you. There will not be additional homework until after Wednesday.
Behavior- we will discuss detention for those of you who did not follow proceedures for the sub.
-Mrs. M.
Behavior- we will discuss detention for those of you who did not follow proceedures for the sub.
-Mrs. M.
Friday, April 22, 2011
ABC BOOK: You will complete an ABC book for Language Arts. Follow the directions for each letter. To get full credit you MUST complete all 26. You have one week to complete this assignment. DUE DATE: April 29th (FRIDAY) to turn in tray. No exceptions. No excuses.
- Ms. M.
Nonfiction Alphabet Book
CRCT Review
Adjective Adverb | Define both parts of speech. Write two sentences about your topic that contains both. For each sentence label the types and draw a picture about your sentences. | |
Boy, I love to write! | List the five steps in the writing process. Describe what is included in each step. | |
Clauses | Define independent and subordinate clauses. Find examples from your reference book. Record, label, and give the page number where each clause can be found. Then write, label, and correctly punctuate one compound and one complex sentence about your nonfiction topic. | |
Draw | Draw a preposition graphic organizer based on your topic. (Example – everything a squirrel can do to a tree). | |
Exclamatory | Define exclamatory sentence. Write three sentences your nonfiction topic could exclaim and punctuate correctly. | |
Figurative language | Define simile, metaphor, personification, and onomatopoeia. Describe your topic using all types of figurative language. Label each example. | |
Genres | Define the following writing genres: narrative, persuasive, expository, and technical. Describe which genre would contain your nonfiction topic. | |
parts of speecH | Define noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, and preposition. Then find one example of each in your Handbook. Record, label, and give the page number where the parts of speech can be found. | |
Interjection | Define interjection. Record the twelve most commonly used interjections in grammar handbook. Write two sentences with interjections about your topic. | |
conJunction | Define conjunction. Write two sentences: one with a coordinating conjunction and one with correlative conjunctions about your topic. Underline the conjunctions. |
Kinds of Sentences | Define Interrogative, Exclamatory, Imperative, and Declarative sentences. Write an example of each type of sentence using your nonfiction topic. Label each example. | |
Lucky | Luckily you are ALMOST halfway there! Use this page to illustrate your nonfiction topic. | |
Modifier | Define adverb and adjective. Create a TEN sentence paragraph on your nonfiction topic using FIVE adverbs and FIVE adjectives. | |
antoNym | Define antonym. Identify five words that can be used to describe your topic. Then write an antonym for each word. | |
synOnym | Define synOnym. Identify five words that can be used to describe your topic. Then write a synonym for each word. | |
complements | Define complement. Write two sentences about your nonfiction topic that contains a complement. Identify the subject, verb, and complement in each sentence. | |
Questions | Define indirect and direct objects. Identify which questions both types of objects answer about a verb. Write two sentences about your topic that contains a direct and indirect object. For each sentence label the direct and indirect object. | |
extRaneous details | What is an extraneous detail? Write four sentences about your topic that includes an extraneous detail. Underline the extraneous detail. | |
tranSition | Define transitional words and phrases. List 20 common transitional words and phrases from grammar handbook. Then find five sentences in your reference book using transitional words and phrases. Record and give the page number where each sentence can be found. | |
SenTence Structure | Define the four kinds of Sentence Structures. Find an example of each type of sentence from your reference book. Record, label, and give the page number where each sentence can be found. | |
yUck verbals | Define verbal, participle, and infinitive. Give an example from the grammar handbook for each of these terms. Then write a sentence about your nonfiction topic for each type of verbal. | |
Verbs | Define linking and helping verbs. Give five examples of each type of verb from the grammar handbook. Then write one sentence about your nonfiction topic for each type of verb. Label each type of verb. | |
Compound Words | Define compound word. Create a TEN sentence paragraph on your nonfiction topic using FIVE compound words. | |
suffiXes | Define a suffix. Find five examples of a suffix from your reference book. Record, label, and give the page number where each suffix can be found. | |
Yes, prefixes too | Define a prefix. Find five examples of a prefix from your reference book. Record, label, and give the page number where each suffix can be found. | |
Create a Zany illustration | Create a zany illustration for “The End!” |
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Thank you for a great week of testing! Hopefully all your hard work paid off. 3 down...2 to go. Remember you have science and social studies on Tuesday/Wednesday next week. Also, your pronoun worksheets from this week (4) are due tomorrow by the end of class. Your ABC books (more details and rubric coming) will be due next Friday 4/29.
Remember...class is not over simply because testing is...now it is time to get you ready for next year and work on those standards that you still need to master.
- Ms. M.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Calling all Writers! Poetry and Short Story contest
Do you need a break from studying for the CRCT? Our poetry and short story contest ends this Friday. Interested? (Oh, C'mon...there are prizes!) Enter any poem (minimum 20 lines), any subject to Mrs. McNeill. Interested in short story submissions? See Olivia D. for contest rules or click on her blog link (blogs I follow below: Gifted Geckos).
Happy Writing!
-Ms. M.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Ready to Rumble?
Reminders: Turn in your survival guides (if you haven't). Take the quiz on: thatquiz.org using your class link- see post below. Begin to complete Odyssey folders and OAS practice. Watch at least one video per night (on the right)- especially the ones on pronouns- were they one of the five things you needed help with? Use the tools that are here, pay attention in class, take a deep breath, get enough sleep- you can do it!!! Now, who's with me?
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Exciting new test format! (Thatquiz.org)
Want to test your knowledge? Need to self-check your “know-how?” Find your class link below and take the online test from thatquiz.org. I will be mailed the results. If you did not pass the scantron progress test you will re-take it on OAS- under “Progress Test.”
1st period: Directions- Practice test: Click on the link for your class, find your name, and take the progress test. http://www.thatquiz.org/tq/classpage?00f12347adf5b78
2nd period Directions- Practice test: Click on the link for your class, find your name, and take the progress test. http://www.thatquiz.org/tq/classpage?00f02367def5b79
3rd period: Directions- Practice test: Click on the link for your class, find your name, and take the progress test. http://www.thatquiz.org/tq/classpage?00f136789af5b7a
4th period: Directions- Practice test: Click on the link for your class, find your name, and take the progress test. http://www.thatquiz.org/tq/classpage?00f12367bdf5b7b
5th period: Directions- Practice test: Click on the link for your class, find your name, and take the progress test. http://www.thatquiz.org/tq/classpage?00f2349abde5b7c
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Semi-colons; Adjective and adverb phrases
•Define semi-colon- (;) punctuation used between parts of a compound sentence if they are not joined by and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet.
•Define adjective phrase- A prepositional phrase that modifies a noun or pronoun.
•Example: The painting of sunflowers by van Gogh is famous.
•Define adverb phrase- a prepositional phrase that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb.
Additional help and flashcards:
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Punctuation- Do you know the rules?
In the last two weeks we have studied commas and quotation marks. Take a few minutes each day to play some of the grammar games on the right hand side of the blog. Daily homework is to practice OAS, Odyssey, and CRCT review nightly (links on this blog). You will have an in class project (2 days), but may need to complete the rest at home- details and rubric coming soon. The project deadline (next week) will be on your rubric. You will be writing a "6th grade Survival Guide" that will be shared with 5th grade teachers, so please take your time, add may supporting details, and show me your best effort.
- Ms. M.
- Ms. M.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Quotation Work!!!
Holt Handbook pg. 294
Ex. 2 1-5 Rewrite the following sentences using commas, end marks, quotation marks, and capital letters where they are needed. If a sentence is already correct, write “C.”
1. May I go with you I asked
2. We’d like to go too added Barbara and Troy
3. Barbara asked who will bring tubes for everyone
4. Jim said I’ll bring them
5. I offered to bring sandwiches and lemonade
Ex. 3 pg. 295 1-5 Re-write each sentence correctly
1. Staci said here is a photograph of this self-taught American artist
2. Clementine Hunter was born in Natchitoches, Louisiana
3. She started working on a plantation when she was only fourteen Maria added
4. When she was fifty-three years old said Staci Hunter decided to do what she loved most- paint
5. Staci continued she began painting on almost any surface that would hold the paint
Ex. 4 1-5 pg. Revising indirect quotations to create direct quotations.
Revise each of the following sentences to change the indirect quotation to a direct quotation. Be sure to use capital letters and punctuation marks where they are needed.
Example: I asked the cashier for change for a dollar.
Corrected: “May I please have change for a dollar?” I asked the cashier.
1. The cashier replied that she was not allowed to make change unless a purchase was made.
2. I said that I needed a new pen.
3. The cashier told me that it cost seventy-nine cents.
4. I said that I would give her $1.79.
5. She told me she could give me change for a dollar.
Holt Handbook Pg. 298 Punctuating Quotations and Titles
Rule: Use quotation marks to enclose the titles of short works such as short stories, poems, newspaper or magazine articles, songs, episodes of television series, and chapters and other parts of a book.
Short stories | “The Stone” “All Summer in a Day” |
Poems | “Jetliner” “Song of the Sky Loon” |
Articles | “Celebrating our Heritage” |
Songs | “Georgia on My Mind” |
Episodes of TV shows | “Kali the Lion” |
Chapters and other parts of books | “I Go to Sea” “Energy from the Stars” |
Exercise 5 pg. 298
Re-write the following sentences, adding single and double quotation marks where they are needed.
Example: I just finished the chapter The Circulatory System in our health book, Dell told me.
“I just finished the chapter ‘The Circulatory System’ in our health book,” Dell told me.
1. Diane is learning the song This Little Rose for her recital.
2. Angelo, can we meet after school tomorrow? We need to practice our presentation, Sam said.
3. I’m sure I heard the announcer say, Schools are closed because of the storm, I said.
4. I can pronounce all the words in Lewis Carroll’s poem Jabberwocky, Nina told Lou.
5. Ted said, My dad will pick us up on Saturday at 7:30 A.M. After the race, he is taking us to Lucy Chang’s for lunch. Do you like Chinese food?
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