Friday, September 2, 2011

Moodle...say what?

All classes...please log in to Moodle and enroll. Directions: click Moodle on this web page (middle/right side). Username- your firstlast name with no spaces. Password: mcneill. If you have trouble please see me and sign a list so I can work on it for you.
What is Moodle? Moodle is a way I can help you in class by posting important information, documents, forms, resources, links....and more. There are also some specific ways we will use the discussion threads and "chat." There are appropriate ways to use this interface- so- do not enter a chat or discussion until I have directed you to do so. The discussion topics are not to say "Hey...wassup!" to your friends. It is a way for me to give you a discussion question or topic to discuss with our class...we will just be responding online instead of in a journal or the classroom. Sometimes we will use this in class (if we have a lab day or the mini computers). Other days I may ask you to do an online assignment. If you do not have a computer/internet we will work out another way for you to participate. I suggest you buddy up with someone, get a public library card (Pines card), or see one of your teachers when you finish work early and ask about using our class mini computer.
Also, you will be getting your online password soon for our online Holt grammar book.

(3rd, 4th, and 5th periods): Important message- We will begin your semester project soon (Digital Storytelling project). It is helpful if you have a digital camera, internet access, and either Powerpoint, MediaPlayer, or access to the site I hope we can figure out how to use (because it's awesome)- There is a link to Voicethread on Moodle as well. We begin your narrative with the journal prompts you picked yesterday. You will journal on all three topics of your choice (you did one yesterday), and then develop one of those ideas into an "autobiographical incident." The extension/culmination of this activity is the digital storytelling project- details and rubric to come. You may want to bring a two pocket folder with clips next week to start assembling your project packet.
It's going to be a great year...can't wait to see what my "cheetahs" can do with "room to run." Can you reach 70 mph? (reference to our in class reading/analogy)
-Happy Writing!
-Ms. M.

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