Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reminders- this week...

Don't forget your test tomorrow...fragments, subjects/predicates, types of sentences, and words from "All American Slurp." Also, when I say conventions...you think....________________. Know it tomorrow!

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th periods...bring your "I Am" poems to class if you have not yet turned them in. We will be typing them in the computer lab on Thursday and beginning your next narrative writing assignment. You will also be receiving your own log in number for your online Holt textbook.
Wednesday night homework: New Mall Questionairre- Ask a family member (or friend if that is not possible) the "New Mall Questionaire" questions. Write their responses in complete sentences and turn in on Thursday. Here are the questions:

New mall questionaire: Name: ________________________________
Class: ______ Person I interviewed: _____________________________
1. What stores would you most likely see at the mall?
2. What would you be most likely to buy at the mall?
3. What types of movies would you prefer to see at the mall theater?
4. What restaurants would you like to have in the mall's food court?
5. Would you go to the mall arcade? If so, what games would you play?
6. What brands of clothes do you prefer?
7. Would you purchase books or magazines at the mall? If so, what books or magazines interest you?
8. To what clubs organizations, or associations do you belong?
9. What special or seasonal events would attract you to the mall?
10. At what nearby malls do you sometimes shop?

4th period ONLY...Be ready to discuss your analogies and your "cheetah" comparisons for our in-class discussion. You will turn in your analogies as well as the pre-test we took yesterday. Also...
be sure to bring your narrative essay (the Eleanor Roosevelt prompt) tomorrow. I will give you some pointers and suggestions for revision process. These will be typed in the lab, but you may want to bring a jump drive and you are welcome to bring your own earbuds. Click the link below to look at a model essay. You will be submitting your final drafts to Holt Online Scoring on Friday.


Happy Writing!
- Ms. M.

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