Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21-23rd 2013 WRITING ASSIGNMENTS

Welcome to Writing Enrichment (7th/8th grade) and Study Skills (6th grade). For the next two days you will be completing various writing assignments for my class involving the 6+1 writing traits and a mini-research activity. Directions: Day 1- Format and type your timed writing (#1) in a Word document. Create a folder for my class- name it MCNEILL. Save as: timed writing 1- your name. Pay attention to conventions for this writing. Correct any mistakes (spelling, capitalization, subject-verb agreement, fragments/run-ons). Make sure you have a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding statement. (Minimum 1 paragraph) *If you finish early, you may play games on this site, but they must be language arts/reading related. Most games are on the LEFT hand side with the exception of Free Rice (in green at the bottom of this page). COOL MATH is never allowed in the lab. All games or research sites must be approved prior to you using them and you MUST have an internet form SIGNED to be on the internet. Day 2- Choose ONE of the three topics on your 100 topic sheet and type it out in the same format as Day 1 Timed Writing. Make sure you have a heading, title, and at least 1-3 paragraphs (you may write more if you choose). Format: Times New Roman; 14 point font. Headings are SINGLE SPACED. Body paragraphs are DOUBLE SPACED. Indent (TAB) each paragraph. When you finish typing your second writing, choose ONE from the following menu for your mini-research project: CHOICE MENU: (CHOOSE 1) 1. CHOICE #1: Research an URBAN LEGEND or myth. (Bigfoot, Chubakabra, UFOs/Roswell, Bloody Mary, Loch Ness Monster)Keep track of your secondary sources (internet sites). Take notes on 5 W+H (Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How) Be able to explain your legend or myth to the class and decide if you believe in the legend/myth. Write a 1-3 page summary of your research, then...write a concluding paragraph stating your opinion/belief about the legend. Use your source to back up your position statement. CHOICE #2. Write a creative, scary story of your own (1-2 pages, double-spaced). You may write it in 1st or 3rd person, but your story must include at least three characters, a basic "plot," conflict (man v. man, man v. nature, man v. society), and have a beginning, middle, and end. You need to use sensory details, create a "spooky" or ominous "mood," and show 5 parts of the plot: introduction (setting/characters), rising action, turning point, falling action, and a resolution. CHOICE #3: Research the SALEM WITCH TRIALS using the links below: Make sure you take notes on the 5Ws +H (Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How)and keep track of your sources. Write a 1-3 paragraph summary of the trials. Then, research the McCarthy hearings/trials. Take notes and keep track of your sources. Write a 1-3 paragraph summary of your research and answer the following questions in a Word document. 1. How do the Salem Witch trials compare to the McCarthy hearings? 2. What "real world" behaviors or news relates to these trials? 3. Do you think, according to your research, that the "witches" accused in the trials were real? (Additional reading/higher order thinking- 4. Do you think our government (or other countries) use fear as a tactic for motivating citizens? Why/Why not? 5. What did you learn from this assignment? CHOICE #4: Tell-Tale Heart- Edgar Allen Poe EQ: What is the difference between tone and mood? Warm up: Read the intro paragraph in the following link: Lesson: READ "The Tell-Tale Heart" (link above) Write 1-3 paragraphs about the story elements: characters, setting, basic 5 parts of the plot: exposition, rising action, turning point, falling action, resolution- and answer the following questions in a WORD document. Save as POE assignment-MCNEILL and "save as" in my folder you created yesterday. 1. What is the TONE of the story (author's or narrator's attitude) 2. What is the MOOD of the story? Quote a few lines from the story to show your understanding of the text. 3. What point of view is the story written from? (1st or 3rd?) 4. How does the point of view affect the mood (eerie/creepy) of the story? 5. How does this story compare to other scary stories, movies, or tv shows of today? Which do you like better? Explain.

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