Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reminders- this week...

Don't forget your test tomorrow...fragments, subjects/predicates, types of sentences, and words from "All American Slurp." Also, when I say conventions...you think....________________. Know it tomorrow!

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th periods...bring your "I Am" poems to class if you have not yet turned them in. We will be typing them in the computer lab on Thursday and beginning your next narrative writing assignment. You will also be receiving your own log in number for your online Holt textbook.
Wednesday night homework: New Mall Questionairre- Ask a family member (or friend if that is not possible) the "New Mall Questionaire" questions. Write their responses in complete sentences and turn in on Thursday. Here are the questions:

New mall questionaire: Name: ________________________________
Class: ______ Person I interviewed: _____________________________
1. What stores would you most likely see at the mall?
2. What would you be most likely to buy at the mall?
3. What types of movies would you prefer to see at the mall theater?
4. What restaurants would you like to have in the mall's food court?
5. Would you go to the mall arcade? If so, what games would you play?
6. What brands of clothes do you prefer?
7. Would you purchase books or magazines at the mall? If so, what books or magazines interest you?
8. To what clubs organizations, or associations do you belong?
9. What special or seasonal events would attract you to the mall?
10. At what nearby malls do you sometimes shop?

4th period ONLY...Be ready to discuss your analogies and your "cheetah" comparisons for our in-class discussion. You will turn in your analogies as well as the pre-test we took yesterday. Also...
be sure to bring your narrative essay (the Eleanor Roosevelt prompt) tomorrow. I will give you some pointers and suggestions for revision process. These will be typed in the lab, but you may want to bring a jump drive and you are welcome to bring your own earbuds. Click the link below to look at a model essay. You will be submitting your final drafts to Holt Online Scoring on Friday.


Happy Writing!
- Ms. M.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I AM poetry

Soon you will begin working on our next narrative assignment- an "I Am" narrative poem. Some of you picked this up on Friday, but if you did not you will see it this week. If you want a "sneak peak" this weekend you might want to try this website:


To make a word cloud like my example above, go to WORDLE. net.  Have fun!!! We begin parts of speech review next week, compound subjects and verbs, and will continue with sentence types. Our narrative unit and vocabulary will really take off this week. Make sure you have ALL supplies- especially journals everyday. Bring your AR book daily too! You never know when we might use them (hint, hint).

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Want to review your pre-test?

Click the link below to view the pre-test. If you can answer all 10 with no trouble and you know your words to own from "All American Slurp"...you should do fine on the test tomorrow.



Oh yes...it's time. Your quiz Friday will cover:
  • Parts of a sentence: simple subject/simple predicate; complete subject/complete predicate
  • Types of sentences: declarative, imperative, interrogative, exclamatory
  • sentences vs. fragments
  • words to own from "All American Slurp"
  • comprehension questions for "All American Slurp"
  • 6+1 writing traits
Need extra practice with subject/predicate? Try this link to your online textbook:
(This was classwork Tuesday 8-17-11)

Also, your "All American Slurp" MENU is due completed by Friday. You will only have today in class to work on it so don't wait until the last minute.

Good luck!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Writing Assessment 8-10-11

Good luck on the writing assessment tomorrow! Just remember to relax, take a deep breath, read your prompt and directions carefully, and do you best. Don't forget to bring plenty of paper and your blue or black ink pen for you final copy. Review the 6+1 traits of writing to help understand how your papers are scored. Also, if you haven't returned the papers signed to homeroom- do so. Pick up any missing supplies and be on the lookout for our class syllabus- sign and return please. Your child will keep it in their binder. Any questions? Please don't hesitate to email me through the school website.

Ms. M.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Please have the following supplies by Monday 8/8/11. If you need a few extra days at least have pens, 2 pocket folders, paper, and composition book. DON'T forget to get your AGENDA signed daily. We don't send "Pack Facts" like elementary so it is essential that you read all notes and attachments daily.

Supply List 
Supply List: (All classes)- (Dollar Store carries most of these items ;)
1 2-3" binder for all subjects (Math requires a separate binder that they sell with all supplies)
  • Dry erase markers (small) 
  • card stock paper/sheet protectors (for dry erase board)
  • crayons/colored pencils/markers
  • manila folders with pockets (for our student learning maps) 
  • blue/black ink pens (MUST HAVE) Pencils only for rough drafts.
  • #2 pencils and college ruled paper
  • 2 1 subject notebooks (Kroger has them for .15- Walmart will price match!)
  • 2 composition books- one for each semester
  • 5 dividers
  • colored computer paper
  • computer access (if you do not have a computer at home you will need to get a PINES card at the local library or buddy up with a friend to type the final copies of our writing assignments. If no other arrangements can be made you may arrange a time before or after school to work on the school mini computers.
Additionally, you may contribute to our classroom supply list: tissues, hand sanitizer, paper towels, post it notes, dry erase markers, construction paper, card stock- pastels and brights, colored computer paper- pink

We will prepare for the writing assessment next Wednesday (8/10/11) beginning on Monday. Thanks for your patience as we update our class syllabus- our grading percentages are changing slightly so look for those early next week. For now you may find class information on the school website go to Staff, McNeill, and Links to see some of our other resources. Under Powerpoints you can view 1st day procedures and the CALENDAR will help you keep up with due dates. PORTAL Parent access will not be available for a few weeks since it is a new system (we can't even get in right now).
Remember to return all of the paperwork from your manila folders (given out on THURSDAY). If you did not receive this please see your homeroom teacher ASAP. Also, don't forget to have your parents sign the computer and photo forms in the front of your agenda. DO NOT tear them out- they need to stay there so your teachers can check your internet permission.
Any questions please don't hesitate to email me: tracy.mcneill@douglas.k12.ga.us. I can get back to you this way quicker than a phone call.
I look forward to working with you all to make your 6th grade your one of your best. Show us your best self, best behavior, and "can do" attitude and I'm sure we'll go far this year.

*If you do not have internet access at home or use of a printer for final copies please let me know so we can make arrangements for you. Also, get a jump drive to back up/save your work in the computer labs and you may bring your own ear buds (not mp3s or ipods- just the headphones) for our lab use of Odyssey**