compound subject- consists of two or more subjects that are joined by a conjunction and that have the same verb. Example: He and I are going to the movies on Saturday. Compound subjects = He/I
compound verb- consists of two or more verbs that are joined by a conjunction and that have the same subject.
Example: Our band practices together and writes songs. Compound verb- practices/writes
Simile- a comparison between two unlike things using "like," "as," or "resembles."
Voice- How the author relays his/her message. Narration plays into voice as well as tone. So far we have studied mostly first-person narration, but in "La Bamba" we were introduced to our first 3rd person story.
Holt Handbook: Exercise 10 page 13; 1-5 Write the sentences! Identifying Compound Subjects
Directions: Identify the compound subjects in each of the following sentences.
Example: 1. October and June are my favorite months.
1. October, June
1. Wild ducks and geese migrate south each year.
2. Stars and planets form a galaxy.
3. Someday dolphins and people may be able to communicate with each other.
4. Baseball and soccer are the two most popular sports at my sister's school.
5. Eggs and flour are two ingredients in pancakes.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
"La Bamba" pp. 48-53 Elements of Literature
Wednesday's selection: (moved to Friday 9/24) "La Bamba"
You will read this short narrative story about Manuel. It is written in 3rd person narration with lots of figurative language. For example, you will be asked to find similes with a partner after finishing the selection.
Notes: simile- a comparison between two unlike things using the word like or as or resembles. See also class reference book: Handbook of Literary terms (brown book on bookshelf).
References to help you understand the selection: Ritchie Valens- singer; Gary Soto- author
Writing tie-in- Journal topics- choose one of the following and write a one page response in your composition book: (assignment is due during class next Thursday 9/30/10)
1. This selection references vinyl records. Research types of recording devices and compare vinyl records, cassettes, CDs, and current MP3s. How has music recording changed over the years?
2. In the story Manuel has to perform publicly in front of his school. Have you ever had to perform in front of an audience? If so, when. Describe the feeling of performing and compare/contrast with Manuel's feelings while performing.
3. Many actors/actresses have to deal with stage fright or may have "butterflies" about performing. Find an article or a book about public speaking. How might you deal with anxious feelings?
4. Read a short biography about Ritchie Valens. Write a one page summary of his life as a performer. You may include details such as the movie that chronicled his life.
http://www.ritchievalens.com/ (Ritchie Valens- Official Website)
Hear the jukebox! http://www.ritchievalens.com/jukebox.html
Thursday, September 23, 2010
2nd period only: Online response #1
Please respond to the question below by clicking on "comments." Do not use your full name when posting- just initials. Here is your question:
Of all of our writings which one is your favorite? So far you should have:
Of all of our writings which one is your favorite? So far you should have:
- a narrative writing with picture (autobiographical incident)
- a food writing paragraph on your favorite food- using sensory details
- a response (your opinion) to a restaurant review
- 2nd period- autobiography of your favorite fruit
- "I am" poem
- Poem about your narrative incident
- Daily warm-ups/journals
- "Mock" writing for who you would be for a day.
RESPOND before Monday 9/27/10 please.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Newspaper Staff: meeting and deadline reminders
Hey crew! Just a reminder that we will be meeting on Thursday until 5pm. You should have shown me a rough draft of your story assignment yesterday. I need final copies on Thursday at our meeting and I need a hard copy and a saved copy to your jump drive (or email it as an attachment)- see me if you don't know how to do this. Bringing snacks? Don't forget if you signed up. We will soon be taking a club picture...probably not tomorrow...meeting next week maybe. Thank you for those of you who have shown me your work. You also need to bring your newspaper "dues" of $10 during homeroom this week. All money has to be turned in by 1:00 daily. See you Thursday! We might even have a computer lab that day...
Quiz: Common and Proper nouns
Ready for your quiz today? I hope so!
common noun- a general type of noun; NOT a specific name of a person place or thing. Example: school
Proper noun- a specific name of a person place or thing. Example: Mason Creek Middle School
*Reminder: Proper nouns are CAPITALIZED!
Tip: Be careful not to confuse PROPER nouns with PRONOUNS. Pronouns replace nouns in the sentence and there are several types of pronouns: personal, reflexive, possessive are a few examples of types of pronouns (he, she, it, they, my, mine, his, its etc. However, a PROPER NOUN is simply the SPECIFIC name of something. EXAMPLES: Tina, Pacific Ocean, Spanish, Mr. Gregory, Arbor Place Mall
Quiz tomorrow over: 1. Vocabulary from "All American Slurp" (Words to Own) : lavishly, etiquette, spectacles, sultry, prawn, mortified (you can review on Elements of Literature link from the home page remember? Or look in your notes from last week)
2. Common/Proper nouns
3. Compound nouns (two nouns joined together to form a NEW word. Example: sunflower= sun + flower
*We will also be studying compound SUBJECTS and compound VERBS (simple predicates).
Study hard! Study smart! Do your best!
Good luck :)
common noun- a general type of noun; NOT a specific name of a person place or thing. Example: school
Proper noun- a specific name of a person place or thing. Example: Mason Creek Middle School
*Reminder: Proper nouns are CAPITALIZED!
Tip: Be careful not to confuse PROPER nouns with PRONOUNS. Pronouns replace nouns in the sentence and there are several types of pronouns: personal, reflexive, possessive are a few examples of types of pronouns (he, she, it, they, my, mine, his, its etc. However, a PROPER NOUN is simply the SPECIFIC name of something. EXAMPLES: Tina, Pacific Ocean, Spanish, Mr. Gregory, Arbor Place Mall
Quiz tomorrow over: 1. Vocabulary from "All American Slurp" (Words to Own) : lavishly, etiquette, spectacles, sultry, prawn, mortified (you can review on Elements of Literature link from the home page remember? Or look in your notes from last week)
2. Common/Proper nouns
3. Compound nouns (two nouns joined together to form a NEW word. Example: sunflower= sun + flower
*We will also be studying compound SUBJECTS and compound VERBS (simple predicates).
Study hard! Study smart! Do your best!
Good luck :)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Lemon Writing
Have you ever really wondered about your favorite fruit? Bonus points if you bring a lemon to class tomorrow...and of course your composition book and pen. This is going to be interesting.
“When fate hands you a lemon, make lemonade.” | |
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